My holidays

Conductor Alan Buribayev

Conductor Alan Buribayev

What was your best holiday?One of the best holidays of my life was absolutely unexpected. I went to work in Melbourne, Australia during the winter. It was a very long trip and I remember expecting to work hard and have jet lag. I'd never been to Australia before so it was such a surprise to get great weather in a beautiful city – to have a real summer in the middle of the European winter. I was conducting a symphony orchestra at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. But it turned into a surprise holiday which is always the best kind.

What was your worst holiday?The funny thing about holidays is beforehand you think: "in two weeks I will be happy when I am on holidays" but when it happens you can think "why is this so ordinary" or you think "it will soon end" and such thoughts can spoil every holiday. So you need to understand the happiness of the moment. My worst holiday was wildlife camping with friends a couple of years ago. We had to sleep on the ground in a tent with no air conditioner. After this holiday I understood that I wasn't suited to camping – I need a good hotel room and a TV set with 60 channels.

If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?My dream holiday can't really be fulfilled. I love the beach, sun and the sea but often think it would be great to go to the opera or an artistic event which wouldn't normally happen in such places. So I'd like to combine a holiday in the Maldives in the daytime with an opera festival in Salzburg in the evening.


Who would you bring on holiday with you if you had your pick?I would bring my parents and brother – they are my team and we travel together. Although my brother is 16 years younger than me we still get on very well.

What's your favourite place in Ireland?Dublin has more of a cosy atmosphere than other European capitals. I like that it feels quite miniature and is not spoiled by big skyscrapers, which gives it an atmosphere of being a little bit out of time.

Your recommended holiday reading?While many people take trash fiction and crime stories on holiday I like quite the opposite. On holiday I would take a really big thick book — Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged or Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time – something that really makes you think. Your body can relax but it's the one time of the year when you have chance to concentrate and read really good literature.

Where will you go to next?To explore some Greek islands. I can speak Greek and lived there as a teenager.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY

* RTÉ NSO Principal Conductor Alan Buribayev opens the 2012-2013 Season conducting ‘Viennese Whirls’, Friday September 14th, National Concert Hall. Tickets from €10